April 14, 2006

1. Many people in QAF fandom believe that Brokeback Mountain benefited from the hard work gay-themed TV shows such as QAF did in breaking down barriers and prejudice. Do you personally think QAF played a part in preparing the US public to accept Brokeback? Did the success of the film make you smile or make you think, "So, where was our Emmy?"

Well, first off I'm not 100% sure that the US public HAS accepted "Brokeback..." as widely as you might like to believe. However, I think the success it has achieved has very little to do with QAF and everything to do with it being a lovely little well-made film telling a very simple, romantic story. QAF made no bones (pun intended) about being the "Gay TV show" while "Brokeback" has at times tried to NOT be known as the "Gay Cowboy Movie" - - have you seen some of the print ads that only show Heath & Michelle or Jake & Anne in romantic clutches? I think that has certainly helped some people go to the movie and give its story a chance to work on them in a way that QAF's in-your-face style just didn't. QAF and "Brokeback" are horses of a different color. So while I'm proud of the work we did with our show I don't feel "Brokeback..." owes anything to us ... certainly not a post-mortem Emmy.

2. What was it like working on location in Japan? Were you insulated with the crew, or did you get to explore? What's the first thing you'll do next time you go back?

Japan was AWESOME and I certainly look forward to going back and exploring more of the country. We had a couple of days off in Tokyo before shooting began to explore and that was about it. Tokyo had its first snowfall since, I think, the '50s while we were there (why does snow have to be a part of my jobs?) and it was neat to see everyone out taking photos of it. Our 1st A.D. on the film, Celin Gluck, partially grew up in Japan and works quite a bit over there and so he was our unofficial tour guide to the "underside" of Tokyo. All I'll say is that the one night of too much sake and delicious skewered foods at the little Yakatori stand he took us to coupled with Karaoke-ing 'til 3 AM was a night I'll not soon forget. Once we got to the countryside of Izu it was truly like being on another planet. SO beautiful. Our crew was amazingly hard-working and kind (a couple of them stole my heart) and reminded me quite a bit of the Toronto QAF crew. It's also funny how actors are treated there. They all have entourages of varying sizes that accompany them to set and they are treated with kid-gloves. I would always get funny looks when I would go and get things by myself or help move some equipment. One real fun experience was running through the center of Izu with a camera crew "guerilla style" shooting scenes where my character is stopping people, showing them a picture of my "wife" and asking if they've seen her. We used this one group of school-age boys who were an absolute riot. Everyone was so warm ... despite the chilly weather. I hope to go back and see the "Peace Museum" at Hiroshima and I'd love to see Kyoto as well.

3. What kind of horror film is Trapped Ashes? Creepy? Suspenseful? Gory? How prepared should we be when we go see it? I'm a bit of a wimp.

Well, it's really 4 films in one so it's a little of all of the above but it is not a slasher film in any way. So I don't think you'll be too grossed out. I haven't seen any footage yet so I'll hold off on guaranteeing that though.

4. Do you ever cook any of the recipes that the Sco-Lo's sent to you for the anniversary gift? If so, do you have any favorites?

To be honest, I've not been as adventurous with my cooking as I'd like to be. It's just not as much fun cooking for one. I have used the recipes book a couple times as I recall for creme brule and a lemon meringue pie because I have a big ol' lemon tree in front of my house and 'cause it's my favorite pie. The Creme Brule came out pretty damned well; the pie ... well, let's just say baking has never been my strong-suit. Now my spicy garlic-ginger string beans - - that's another story!

5. Law & Order or CSI? Which version of either?

CSI, the original. Especially when my buddy Marc "Conrad Ecklie" Vann is on.

6. Which part of your body do you like the most? And if you could change a part which one would it be and why?

I like my eyes the most and would LOVE to change my spine/back.

7. If you could choose a product to do a commercial for with no pay - just the recognition - what would it be?

Any Hybrid car or the island of Kaua'i!

8. I was wondering if you could tell me what the role of a producer is?

A pure producer is responsible for the financial and managerial aspects of either a film or piece of theatre. Sometimes writers are called producers to give them a specific financial stake in a project as well but all they really do is write.

9. How is the screenplay you're writing with your friend coming along? What are the rewards of writing with a partner as opposed to writing alone?

We've finished a first draft (finally!) and are gathering notes from trusted associates so we can do a polish before starting to send it out. For me the advantages are having the ability to bounce ideas off each other, to "play out" scenes and, especially with a comedy, to see if we can make each other laugh. The disadvantages are when he argues with me over points when he should just know that I'm always right!

10. Where in the world (or universe - go crazy!) do you want to be at the exact moment you answer this question? If you were at that place, what would you be doing?

Hanalei, Kaua'i eating sushi at Sushi Blues surrounded by all my friends and loved ones, close second would be eating white truffle pizzas and drinking Amarone wine with the same group at the dockside restaurant at the Cipriani hotel in Venice, Italy


June 15, 2006


March 3, 2006