December 28, 2009

Sarah writes:


What character do you play in the Chicago 8?  I know the story very well..Some of the defendants

were friends. Do you play Kuntsler or Abby or Jerry Rubin?  Who?  Tha nks.  Sarah

Hey, Sarah.  How cool that you knew some of the Chicago 8.  The story is a very important one to me and played a pivotal role in my development as an actor and politically minded person.  18 Years ago when I did the stage version of the Trial back in Chicago I played defendant Rennie Davis.  In the film, oddly enough, I play one of the prosecuting government attorneys, Richard Schultz.  Yup, I’ve gone from a “good guy” to a “bad guy.”  That’s what happens with age, I suppose - - you become “The Man!”

Another Sarah writes:

Hi Scott!


You are very sweet to answer your fan's questions.

You are so funny! I like to read funny writing, which is why I'm a HUGE fan of Television Without Pity. I recently read their QaF recaps and they made me LAUGH my ASS off. I saw your interview with Camper, it was hilarious and very informative, thank you. I was wondering what Camper was like in real life. I wish I knew her real name so I could still follow her writing. Is there anything that stands out to you that TWoP wrote about you or the show? How into in was everybody (cast and crew) on set? I liked when she said that the kids at prom looked like they attended "The Gale Harold School of Dance". I think some of you became better dancers by the end of the show, did someone give you lessons? Do you enjoy dancing at clubs, or do you mostly stand by the side with a cocktail?

What was up with Ted breaking the 4th wall that one time?

They seemed to drop the story of Ted being secretly in love with Michael, without explanation. Why was that?

You are very cute and seem to give off a "positive energy". What do you do to be like that?




Thanks, Sarah.  I actually enjoy responding to you all as it gives me a good excuse to write and purge all the goofy thoughts in my head.  Boy, that interview on TWoP was such a long time ago (those who haven’t read it can find it here) but I remember being very sleepy when we did it and that Camper was a blast to talk to.  We chatted and giggled for a long time.  I can’t say I got to know her “personally” but I do know that she was completely genuine, hilarious and that it was, without a doubt, one of the most fun interviews I’ve ever been involved with.  It felt more like a comfortable, goofy conversation with an old friend.  

I think you’re right that everyone’s dancing improved over the years with one exception: ME!  Man, I stink.  It was tough on all, of course because if there was dialogue that meant they’d start the music but then have to shut it off to record the lines.  Try dancing with no music and remembering lines of dialogue and not looking like an idiot.  Not so easy, is it?  If I improved at all it’s because I just tried to copy Gale’s move.  Man, he was smooth on the floor.  In real life, I only dance on VERY special and/or inebriated occasions. 

I can’t quite remember exactly the “breaking the 4th wall” moment.  I feel like it was in the diner, is that right?  Responding to something “Debbie” said?  I only remember that it was a line that SCREAMED to be delivered right to the camera.  I did a few takes that way and then a few not to camera in case Dan and Ron hated it.  Fortunately they liked it.

The “Ted has a secret crush on Mikey” storyline wasn’t really dropped without explanation as I recall.  At “Michael’s” birthday party in Season 1 I believe “Brian” lets “Ted” know that they found his shrine after “T” barks at “B” to release “M” from his spell so he can date “Dr. Dave.”  “B” tells “T” “I will if you will,” or something like that. “T” then gives a lovely speech to “M” about not waiting around for something that may never come.  In that speech “T” is saying move on and live for what is real as much to himself as “M”.  It’s in that speech that “Ted” starts to move on.  I loved doing that speech for just that reason.  BIG growth moment for him.

As far as my “positive energy” I just believe as Mother Teresa did that I’d rather be “for” something than “against” it. (She said, “I was once asked why I don't participate in anti-war demonstrations. I said that I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there.”)  I try to always be grateful for all I have and I hope that is the source of whatever energy I give off.  As far as the “cuteness” I can only blame or give credit to genetics.

Kathi  writes:

Hi Scott


I was watching “Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer” last night, my favorite holiday cartoon since I was a little girl (White Christmas is my favorite holiday film).


What was your favorite growing up?



St. Petersburg FL

Well, it’s hard to beat Rudolph but “Charlie Brown Christmas” was a big favorite and remains so.  I used to love it’s humor and dancing and as I grew older “Linus’s” speech would (and still does) choke me up.  I love it. As far as non-animated “It’s A Wonderful Life” is one of my all time favorites Holiday time and Any Old Time!

Karyn writes:

Hello Scott,

Sorry it has taken all this time to get back to you. I have had a CRAZY summer and fall. Found you on twitter ;) and tweeted you or whatever it is called.

I wanted to let you know that I am now on the hunt to find out if my birth father is still alive or at least who I believe is my birth father. I have hired an agency here in NJ and they are working on it as we speak. I wanted to thank you personally because honestly I would not have had the courage if it weren't for you. Your story about finding your birth parents honestly brings me hope and even if my story doesn't turn out as well as yours, your strength and courage has given me it as well during this time. 

Thank you for all you do as an actor to bring a smile to my face and WHO you are as a person who also makes me smile that there are people out there like you.

All my love, admiration and respect,


Karyn, I couldn’t ask for a nicer letter.  I am so proud of you for your courage and I hope everything turns out for you as you need it to and that whatever questions you need answered are answered.  It sounds like you’re entering into this whole adventure with the right attitude.  Thank you for your strength in sharing that and for your incredibly kind words.  I wish you the best of fortunes in this journey you are on.

Alejandro from Colombia writes:

Hi, i'm colombian boy, and don't speak english, but i want that you translate this fragment.. Please

Hola, soy Alejandro tengo , antes de empezar quisiera pedir disculpas por lo que estoy haciendo, pero en realidad es algo que se me ocurrio, y no se si vaya a tener respuesta alguna, pero si esta el medio porque no usarlo...

El motivo de esto es muy simple, y no voy a dar muchos detalles hasta no saber si voy a tener una respuesta o no...

Planeo un viaje a Estados Unidos, y dentro de mis planes esta el poder conocer a las personas que filmaron la serie QAF, son simplemente los sueños que quiero cumplir...

Me gustaria que em ayudaran a poder hacerlo, y que me digan de que forma o con que medios cuento para poder cumplir esto...

Muchas Gracias por su atencion, Como digo soy Colombiano... Have a nice day..


Alejandro Moreno Z.

Well, let’s see what Google Language Tools comes up with for that:

Hi, Alexander I, before I start I apologize for what 

I'm doing, but it's actually happened to me, and not if 

will have an answer, but if this means not using it because ... 

The reason for this is simple, and I will not give many details until they 

know if I will have an answer or not ... 

Plan a Trip to America, and within my plans this power 

know the people who filmed the QAF series, are just dreams 

I want to meet ... 

I would like to help em do so, and tell me that way or 

with that story means to fulfill this ... 

Thank you very much for your attention, as I'm Colombian ... Have a nice 

day ..

Wow.  Seriously?  Thanks, Google Language tools.  Well, I’m going to guess that what you’re asking, Alejandro is if there’s a way for you to meet all the cast members of QAF when you come to America on a trip.  Unfortunately it’s very difficult to find us all in one place these days (since we don’t actually work together anymore) unless it’s for some special event.  So I don’t want to get your hopes up.  But if you’re here when some special event IS going on you may see a few of us together or even randomly run into us when we’re going about our lives here in Los Angeles or New York.  We’re like exotic birds so bring your QAF binoculars and I wish you the best of luck!

Good luck with THAT, Google Language Tools:

Bueno, voy a suponer que lo que estás pidiendo, Alejandro es si hay una manera para que usted pueda cumplir con todos los miembros del reparto de QAF cuando vienen a Estados Unidos en un viaje. Desafortunadamente es muy difícil encontrar a todos en un solo lugar en estos días (ya que no trabajan realmente juntos ya) a menos que sea para algún evento especial. Así que no quiero que me hagas ilusiones. Pero si estás aquí cuando algún evento especial que está pasando puede ver unos cuantos de nosotros juntos, ni siquiera correr al azar dentro de nosotros cuando vamos sobre nuestra vida aquí en Los Angeles o Nueva York. Somos como aves exóticas así que traiga sus binoculares QAF y le deseo la mejor de las suertes!

Jenis from Russia writes:

To Scott: 

Thanks for the photo. I am glad that you liked my picture (see below). And speaking about manga, yes, you really need some cute girl around. If you describe me her I would try to draw.

And a question from me. Do you think you are reliable predictable person like Ted?

And you mentioned somewhere that before you took part in Queer as folk in Los Angeles you had problems with girls. That reminds Ted a little=) Then this character changed during the time and evolved and finally in 5 season Ted became really confident.

Did it affected you? Did you change because of this character?


Wow, I get to describe my dream girl and you’ll just draw her for me?  Cool.  Well, if you could make her a mix of Audrey Tautou with Zhang Ziyi and a little Freida Pinto and a dash of Annie Clark (St. Vincent) thrown in for good measure that would be great.  Oh, and makes sure she has dimples... and she should think I’m the funniest, smartest guy in the world and she’ll never leave me and she’ll always tell me how great I am and teach me new things every day and make me laugh and be independently wealthy ... and ... Am I being too demanding?

Now for your questions:  I would indeed consider myself a reliable person but I hope I’m not QUITE as predictable as “Ted” was (at least early on).

I have mentioned that whenI first moved to LA my self-esteem took quite a hit because the food chain of physical attraction here was quite different than what I was used to back in Chicago or Connecticut and I was viewed as a big geek by most women here.  Although I KNOW that I am a big geek inside I now don’t think ALL women see me that way, I’m happy to say. 

As far as how “Ted” affected me or changed me I’d have to say that portraying the battles with all his inner-demons certainly helped me realize how foolish a lot of the ones I wrestle with are and that has helped me purge myself of most of them ... not ALL ... but most. 


I wish you all the best of luck in 2010 and remember “Luck is when Opportunity meets Preparation.”  So get ready ... here it comes!

Speaking of opportunities, don’t miss out on the opportunity to see Sharon Gless live on stage in “A Round Heeled Woman” at Z Space at the Theatre Artaud in San Francisco January 5th - February 7th. (click here for more info.)

Speaking of luck, how lucky you all are to get to see Gale Harold live on stage in Tennessee Williams’ “Orpheus Descending” January 15th - February 21st at Theatre/Theater in Los Angeles. (click here for ticket info.)




February 15, 2010


November 1, 2009