June 6, 2003

1. If you had an elephant... where would you hide it?

Ive GOT an elephant and its hiding in my trousers!  I dont even know what that means.

2. From reading your blog, it is obvious to me that you enjoy your work. Many actors and actresses maintain that there are strong differences between the acting style needed in broadway, movies and television. I was just wondering which style of acting you enjoy the most and why.

Acting in front of a live audience will always remain my favorite. The immediate response and symbiosis you share with an audience is just too intoxicating. As an actor you are completely in control of your performance (for good or for bad) and the challenge of creating a fresh performance eight times a week truly separates the men from the boys.

3. Are the weights used on the set of QAF real? It seems as though the machines probably would be and thus a lower weight is being used by the cast but it the case of the freeweights used it seems like the would be awfully heavy to have to do many reps for all the different shots needed.

All the weights I use are real. The ones Bobby and Peter and Gale use are totally fake  as are their muscles  all prosthetics. Im the only one man enough to show myself the way God made me.

4. When I was watching the scene such as the one between yourself and Peter (When Emmett wanted to talk to his "best friend" Teddy about his indiscretion with the airline steward), I had tears pouring down my face. Watching you and Peter interact and see the "hurt" on your faces, in your eyes, (as Ted and Emmett) I wonder, when actors hear such a thing, that a fan has been physically affected by an emotional scene, that they fan just "cried and cried" do you all think, wow, that person needs to get a life, or do you feel proud that you were able to "reach through" the screen and touch the hearts of your fans. What are your thoughts on this?

It means everything to us. Its why we do what we do. To affect people, to get them emotionally involved with the characters we portray. So thank you for your kind words about that scene. It was a tough one for us to do and its gratifying to hear that our efforts paid off.

5. Does being on the show enhance or stunt your dating life? As in, if you approach a woman in a bar, does she say:

a) "Oooh! You're the really cute guy on TV!" and immediately hand over her phone number; or

b) "Oooh! You're the really cute guy on TV! Can I get your number for my really hot gay friend? He REALLY digs you."; or

c) "Sorry - I'm saving this seat for someone else."

More like d) Can I pretend to really like you and then ditch you in the middle of the dessert? Honestly, it hasnt affected my dating life one way or the other, except for making me seem more attractive because Im an actor who actually has a job  for now.

6. Do you think season 4 will be the final season of QAF? Do you think it SHOULD be the final season?

Really hard to say. Even a few months ago I would have said we were 98% assured of a fifth season. But since then Jerry Offsay (the head of Showtime) announced his retirement and so now its all going to depend on who they get to replace him. It could be someone who says: QAF is the cornerstone of our network and we need to build around it. Or it could be someone who says: Im taking the network in a new direction and QAF doesnt fit in with my vision. Well just have to see. As far as if it SHOULD be our last season  ummm  NO!

On a side note, for all those who truly enjoy QAF and appreciate it being on the air, you need to realize the courage of Jerry Offsay to put it on Showtime. Throughout his reign at the little network that couldnt he has done his utmost to present challenging, diverse and controversial films and programs. When the QAF bidding war began only Jerry and Showtime stepped up and committed to a full seasons worth of shows (media darling HBO would only commit to a 2-hour movie) and followed up that commitment by putting the full weight of the network behind promoting it the first season. Thank you, Jerry for your courage  and for giving me the best job Ive ever had.

7. To stay in such great shape and thin, what does your diet and exercise program consist of?

Very kind of you to say. Well, usually its just a stay away from breads and pasta kind of diet and a three times a week at the gym (35 min. cardio and some weigh stuff) regimen. Because of the downward journey Ted takes into the world of Crystal Meth at the end of season three, I wanted to get down to a gaunt and unhealthy weight so I went to a wonderful nutritionist in Toronto named Claire DiNunzio who helped me lose 7  8 lbs. I cut out all sugars (even fruit and fruit juices) and increased my protein intake while also increasing my cardio workouts and limiting any weight training. I was pretty happy with the results although the more I thought I looked unhealthy the more the Ladies would tell me mmmm, you look HOT! Sick. Im now back to my usual fighting weight of between 150 and 153 depending on how much pizza Ive eaten.

8. When you auditioned for QAF, I imagine you thought your role would be short-lived, ala the British version of your character, and feature essentially no nudity. When Dan and Ron offered you a permanent cast spot, however, did you have to think about the offer for awhile or did you just "know" that this could be a great opportunity for you as an actor?

Actually, I hadnt seen the British series so I was unaware that my counterpart in that show didnt come out of his coma. I only learned that once I hit Toronto, where the UK version had been quite popular. When we tested for the show and had to sign all our contracts and nudity riders for the pilot I kind of chuckled to see the thickness of pages attached to Michelle and Peter and Randys contracts of scenes requiring sex and nudity. Mine only had one page I believe. I do remember thinking to myself Heh, heh, heh. Theres ONE advantage to playing the loser of this group. Then the sex in the SUV scene came along  and the dungeon scene  ah, well. I didnt have to think twice about joining this show. I knew it would be an opportunity that would change my life and challenge me in ways I could have never imagined.

9. Seems to me you turned out to be a pretty swell guy... what one piece of advice would you give to all of us who are currently raising the future "swell guys" of the world?

Umm  put ice on it and elevate to keep the swelling down?

10. Either on Hiatus or when QAF ends, how far do you intend to branch out with acting? Do you have a genre preference such as Comedy, Drama, etc...or would you consider 'different' roles like a Psychopath in a well-written suspense film, or even Sci-Fi? Do you prefer strict stage over film?

Ideally when QAF is done Id love to split my time between stage and film work because they both have unique challenges for me. It all comes down to the writing for me as far as what style Id prefer to do.

Hopefully Ill be lucky enough to be picky and not have to do too much garbage just for the sake of money. The only kind of directive Ive given my representatives is that I dont want to do any projects that glorify guns. Hate em. So it would all depend on what kind of psychopath youre talking about. Maybe if its one that kills people with Chinese Chicken Salad or something.

I just have to add a bLog-ish note here and mention that I had the pleasure or meeting the extraordinary British comedian Sascha Baron Cohen at brunch today. Hes the star and creator of my favorite show on TV Da Ali G Show on HBO. If you havent seen it, check it out. He is truly the Peter Sellers of our time. The fact that he was kind enough to indulge a goofy fan like me and a table-full of my equally awe-filled friends by patiently answering all our questions proved him to be a terrific down-to-earth celebrity as well. My favorite kind. ;o) Thanks for not disillusioning me, Sascha.


July 3, 2003


May 1, 2003