April 12, 2019

Patty writes: 

I really enjoyed both of the QAF binge club events. Are there plans to continue those events? Thank you.


Denise writes:

Hi Scott

Love the new website. It looks great.  

Just wondering if the QAF Binge Club will be continuing some time in the future. Loved the episodes you already presented and was hoping there would be more to come.

Also loved seeing the photos of you with Gale, Peter, Michelle, and Robert at the Adoptable screening in November. So great that you guys keep in touch and support each other.

Look forward to hearing from you soon. All the best for the coming year.

Best regards
(Australian fan)

Hi, Patty! I had a great time putting together and doing the episodes of Binge Club that we did. I am so thankful to the good folks at REEL RAW EVENTS for inviting me along to do them. We did our best to make it a fun and easy experience and one in which all the fans attending would have no idea how much work went into putting each event together … but I’ll be honest with you, it took a LOT of work and time. Unfortunately, from what I understand, the number of fans willing to purchase tickets to the event to offset the costs of producing them just weren’t there and without ticket sales or a sponsor to help them at least break even I just think REEL RAW couldn’t continue to support putting them out there. So, if you’re interested in seeing more QAF Binge Club episodes I think you’ll need to rally the troops together to help prove to REEL RAW that it’s worth their time to present them.

Klára writes:

Hi, Scott.

This isn't a question, maybe it's a message? I don't know exactly. I'd like you to read this https://writinggirll.blogspot.com/2019/01/queer-as-folk-is-me-life.html and show it other QAF actors. Thank you for the answer. 
Klára from Czech Republic.

Just read your blog, Klára. Thank you so much for sharing your story. It still amazes me how much QAF has brought people together all over the world and helped them find the personal acceptance and sense of community that we all felt making it! Keep being true to yourself!

Jessica writes:

My question (actually 2 questions) we all know the cast members of QAF and yourself have a great personality and sense of humor. What I would like to know as well as some others I am sure is who was the biggest prankster out of all of you and is there one in particular prank that stands out? Also, thank you for always being so very kind and always communicating with us fans, very much appreciated.

Hey, Jessica!  

Well, you kind of answered the question in your compliment. Everyone (including a lot of our crew) had such great senses of humor that it’s really hard to pick out just one as the biggest prankster or even an individual prank. My stronger memories were of just getting the “church” giggles from some off-handed remark or someone screwing up their lines in a hilarious way and just NOT being able to stop laughing and needing makeup touched up because we would all be crying trying to hold in the laughter. Here are some links:

Season One Bloopers

Season Two Bloopers

Season Three Bloopers

Season Four Bloopers, pt. 1 Season Four Bloopers, pt. 2

Season Five Bloopers

Donna writes:

Being on Netflix I am sure the ratings were great. I know myself and the group I am with all watched it over and over again. We all got the box set now. We are all hoping they make a reboot of QAF U. S. version and have org cast if possible so we can see what happened to everyone. How do you think the group would feel about that?

We would all LOVE to get together and keep telling stories about the gang from Liberty Ave.!

Rulsa writes:

Hi Scott,
My name is Rulsa I’m trying to help my daughter make the right decision. Currently she’s in her last semester in Cardozo Law School after doing many internships In Law she found law very boring. She did study acting as a child for many years at Lee Strasberg Institute and she wants to pursue acting instead. The question that I have is she’s a young girl early 20’s she got an offer for a small part in a student film to play a lesbian she’s not sure about it the question for you, Was your personal life affected in any way of playing a gay guy? She’s asking me for advise I don’t have the answer can you please help.

Hi, Rulsa!  

Sounds like your daughter is following the path that Robert Gant took as he was once a lawyer as well before becoming an actor. Listen, when we started QAF in 2000 it was still quite tabu to play a gay character and we all took a risk in playing the groundbreaking characters we did. Yes, I did face some stereotyping when I came off the series but that could happen just as easily if I played a gangster. The same held in real life for a bit, but if the worst thing that happened to me is that I occasionally had to turn down a flattering request for a date from a gentleman or two I don’t think that cost was high at all. I think there is much more acceptance of gay characters and the actors portraying them now and your daughter will be fine.

Judy writes:

Hello Scott Lowell,
I have recently purchased 5 seasons of Queer as Folks(2000-2005) and I loved the show. You and all the actors were great!
What was it like working with the actors on or off stage especially Gale Howard and Randy Harrison?
Are you close friends with them and keep in touch?
I lookup Wikipedia to see their current acting role. I see you in 2019 in a TV Show "I'm Sorry" but I don't see Gale or Randy for 2019. Is it possible they are working but not listed for 2019? This is the only website I know of to see their latest acting role.>
Thank you for your time to answer my questions and Good Luck!

Hello, Judy … Judy!  

We all had a great time working together and have indeed remained quite close. Randy and Gale are VERY talented and hard working actors and a whole lot of fun to get to play with. I don’t keep up with ALL they are doing professionally but I know Randy has mostly been performing in AMAZING theatre productions all over the USA and Gale has been developing projects and just shot a guest appearance on Criminal Minds.


February 1, 2019